Products & services
We offer a comprehensive range of technical and support services that address the various stages in the life cycle of software projects. Services provided by ASPL address the complete Life cycle of a Software project from conception to Re-Engineering
Feasibility studies.
Requirement analysis & documentation
System design & documentation.
System development programming & documentation.
User training, Operation Manual & implementation.
Software Consultants Services
We provide human resource for software development project onsite to work under the supervision of client. We assure that our people meet the required levels of skill specified by the client and are responsible for the quality and quantity of work done.
Software Applications Services
We undertake projects, both onsite and/or offshore for the development of applications. Our team of consultant interacts with the client to understand their functional requirements and provide solutions, which is best suited and acceptable to the client.
Other services include
- Facilities management “Software as a service”
- Systems audit
- Systems integration
- Software maintenance
- Software Consultation
- Software Guidance